poniedziałek, 16 lutego 2015

This is a short movie from our project. If you want you can share it with your friends:)

niedziela, 14 września 2014

VIII day- Evaluation

Today was the last day of our exchange. We had our youthpass given out. We all were so proud of ourselves, but we were also sad because we knew that our exchange is going to be finished. Some of us was even crying! We hadn't expected that we could feel like a big family! In the evening we had a big farewell party.

VII day- action-reaction-implementation"

Today we had another action which was associated with the promotion of volunteering. Out task was to play a game which is called "egg game". We had to change out egg for other things with local people. It was a difficult task, because not every one wanted to talk with us. Moreover, we had to convince people that our egg is a real treasure. We all enjoyed the game and we saw that work with other people is really difficult. 

Here are some photos from our workshop: 

sobota, 13 września 2014

Linguistic corner;)

After three amazing international evenings we decided to share those things which we have learned;)

good morning!- dzień dobry
how are you?- Jak się masz?
my name is...-Mam na imię....
Have a nice meal- smacznego
thank you-dziękuję
goodbye- do widzenia
I'm sorry- przepraszam

Good morning! - Labas rytas!
Hello! - Labas!
How are you? - Kaip sekasi?
My name is... - Mano vardas yra...
Have a nice meal! - Skanaus!
Thank you! - Ačiū!
Goodbye! - Ate!
I'm sorry! - Aš atsiprašau!


Good morning! - dobrý den
 Hello! -ahoj
How are you? -jak se máš?
My name is... - jmenuji.....
Have a nice meal! - dobrou chuť  
Thank you! - děkuji
Goodbye! - na shledanou   
I'm sorry! -promiňte   

VI day-Action-reaction-preparation!

Today we were making movies about volunteering. It was a new experience for us. Everybody had fun, but we also got to know about volunteering. With these movies we were able to prepare the stocks which promotes volunteering. 
Today we had also the Polish evening. We prepared lot of games and our friend could get to know something more about our country;) 
Here are some photos:

V day- Let's build your carrier!

Today we were talking about really serious topic. First we were surprised why beacuse we thought that we are too young to think about our path of carrier. Now, after workshop, we know that even now we can create our future! Now we can improve our creativity which help us later.

"The fu­ture star­ts to­day, not to­mor­row."

Pope John Paul II

wtorek, 9 września 2014

IV day- volunteering- way to change the world!

What does volunteering mean? 
It was the first question which we heard in our workshop. It seemed that answer would be easy, because everyone heard about volunteering in his life. The workshop was unexpecting ! we saw a diffrent point of view. Now we know that being a volunteer is not easy task. We know that a good volunteer should be trustworthy and other people should feel safe in his comapny. We had also short exercises how to be a good volunteer and how to help other people. We also got to know how difficult is to trust other people. In the evening there was Czech evening. Our friends prepared it so good that we saw some part of Czech Republic in only one hour! 
Thank them!